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Lily-Rose Melody Depp nacida en el Hospital Americano de París el día 27 de mayo de 1999.

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Jack John Christopher Depp III nacido en el Hospital Americano de París el día 9 de abril de 2002.

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domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

Kevin Smith (director de cine) menciona a Lily-Rose Depp

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Harley Quinn ,la amiga de Lily-Rose, es al parecer una especie de famosa (que actúa). Su padre, Kevin Smith, está en el negocio del cine, e incluso ha mencionado Lily-Rose en las entrevistas!
¿crees que pronto veremos a Lily-Rose actuar uno de sus proyectos?

Gracias a Marine por la información

2 comentarios:

  1. me encantaria ver a lily actuar y tengo la curiosidad de que ella le va salir muy bien como su padre johnny, se puede ver algunas de entrevistas Marine? gracias es buena informacion seguro que algún dia y creo que pronto veremos a lily actuando en una peli de tim burton

  2. hahaha Violeta, I hope she doesn't! ;) His filmography contains only silly movies.. I mean, his own daughter was named after a comic book character lol!

    Anónimo, here:

    lily's friends jealous of her, hahah:

    Kevin Smith:(..) I actually know Johnny Depp who is now featured on the PotC ride. And he's actually a REALLY sweet guy, a really cool cat. And his kid actually plays with my kid. But it's made my life exponentially more difficult. I have a pretty decent house and I'm doing pretty well. But my kid went to his house and was like "WE'RE POOR! Why don't you get to work and slap on a patch or something. We'll do PIRATES OF THE BUFFET LINE". He's also been in kids movies. Like she (Quinn) comes home and tells me "Lily's dad did Willy Wonka ". So he can slip into that character whenever he wants and she's like "Why don't YOU do that? Let's see what you got?". And I'm like FINE whenever YOUR friends comeover I'll just NOT TALK and that's "Silent Bob".


    ''It’s Fairy Tale Breakfast day in Harley’s class, which means that all the kids dress up like their favorite character and load up on eggs, sausages, donuts, cookies, juice, etc. Harley goes as Tinkerbelle. (..) Malcolm just about passed out when he sees Johnny Depp in the class. Depp’s there to peep out his ol’ lady and kid doing a reading of the classic Mulan fable (not the Disney version). Since he’s currently shooting those “Pirates” sequels back-to-back, the Deppster’s sporting silver-capped teeth beneath his facial scruff. He seems a little shy but very in love with his family. We exchange a very quiet “‘Sup,” as he heads off to his Valley-side set.''

    Lily and Harley play-date in London, 2007:

    "We're here because of Harley," Smith explained to the crowd. "She's friends with Johnny Depp's daughter Lily-Rose. Johnny's in London at the moment working on Sweeney Todd and they've been missing each other, so we decided to bring her and schedule these Q&As. We've essentially travelled six-thousand miles for a play-date."

    Ps: I'm not 100% sure but after reading this I think the kid in London with Lily in 2007 was maybe Harley Quinn, look:


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